Meeting with Togbi and CCS Volunteers

Monday . 11 August 2003

Meeting with Togbi and CCS Volunteers
paraphrased conversation regarding the plan and future vision of Woe

Brie: How involved are you in the planning process for Woe, and how much control do you have in administering change?

Togbi: I am the chief of the entire district, so I do have the final say on any decision. However, the administrative structure within the district includes many advisors and representatives from each village. Those representatives speak with villagers within their units and are aware of the challenges and needs of each. This is a bottom-up administration, and I do not make any decisions for the community without being informed and having discussed the issues with my advisors. [There was more of an account on the structure, but this is the basic gist.] I am not sure if that answered your question.

Brie: Yes, it did. Thank you. I am also interested in your vision for Woe. Earlier you spoke about the difference in technology and development for us, the volunteers, in being here. You focused on the need for improved education and awareness in this community to advance and develop. Where would you like to see Woe in five years, in ten years, and how do you plan on achieving that vision?

Togbi: Yes, as I mentioned before, education is very important in awakening this community. Our future resides in our children. At the moment, only 15% [is this number correct] of JSS students are moving on to pursue further studies. In five years, I would like to see that number increase to 50%. Many of the students will move into a trade, and not pursue development into the future. It is like the saying “Idle minds lead to idle hands.” We must encourage an awakening in the community, in our children, so that they will be aware of the conditions of the village and be more apt to grow and develop.

In ten years, after there has been an awakening, I want to focus on the development of the village. There is much building and development occurring not far from here, along the Anloga-Tegbi Road. There is not a plan for the area, though. Attention needs to be placed on developing that area as a whole. Woe is not home to many of the important services. If a villager is sick, they need to travel to Anloga or Keta to their hospitals and clinics. I would like to develop a health center in Woe, and bring other services to the village. All of this is dependent on our children and the awakening of the village. We must want to grow and develop for these visions to be successful.

I am very interested in what you are here to do. I would like you to take a critical look at the village, from the architecture and building materials, to the village plan and infrastructure. Are we developing in a way that is best for our future? I will be interested in your research and findings.

Brie: Yes, I am excited for this project. I have many more questions for you and your visions of Woe.

Togbi: I will let Megabuio, Noah and Ben know when I will be in town next, and we can arrange a meeting then.

Brie: Thank you. I look forward to it.

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