Fished Out! A look at the challenges in Ghana's fishing industry - Eric Ahianyo, Joy FM

"Depleting stocks is a big problem today. In Ghana it is estimated that the volume of fish caught has almost halved over the past thirty years – from eight hundred thousand to less than five hundred thousand metric tons - a dramatic drop when one considers that so many people depend on this sector for their livelihood."

"Nearly ten percent of the population depends on the Fisheries sector which creates direct and indirect employment for over 2.4 million people. In 2010 alone, the industry generated around 190 million dollars, a sum that could be multiplied several times over if the industry were given a boost. Yet, Ghana’s marine fishing sector is in deep trouble – depleting stocks, unfair competition combined with higher costs of doing business have wiped many local fishermen out. Those that are still in the sector live precarious existences at best."

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